ViBE - is an intense musician. He is absolutely intense when he plays but when heʼs not playing he seems to be worn out, disoriented. He has a horrible sense of direction. Can sleep anywhere. He is the lead musician of the band, heʼs the one that encourages by example, all of the other members of the band- he plays music with the strings of his back.

Ki-T is a sexy, brainy character who talks by moving her body to make squeaky sounds. She is addicted to lemon oil furniture polish. Can walk on the ceiling and excels in the low gravity room. She is very attractive to other furniture but she is difficult to get to know. When she dreams of being lost she feels wonderful.

Hi - is made of ʼ57 chevy side panels, has fun switching from red-white to white- red. He dreams of bouncing down route 66 singing like a saw. Young guy, a little naive. He is part of the band - Metal saw sound - spring sound.

TuB - is a ticklish rebirth of an old sewer pipe. She moves like a bowl of jelly, loves to juggle water and dreams of being a boat. The thought of having water on the outside rather than on the inside is very appealing. She always needs to be close to water, a faucet or water source like a fish.

" HORN - is a happy and horny combination of rams horns, leather and Louisiana cypress. He is the captain of the sock hockey team and dreams of living outdoors. He has an exterior of a cool like able guy who gets along with everyone but has his internal struggles about his dreams. Outside is dangerous, but he dreams of being outside in a field in the sunshine or up on a hilltop with a full valley view. How can that be? He is part of the band - a breathy set of horns

Quiet - from Argentina - Dances alone, smoothly twirling, floating even though she looks very heavy. Never makes a sound. Her dance reminds me of the tango without a partner.

Twis-TD - is a wild former resident of Persia with an aristocratic background who loves to talk on the phone. She is very attractive to other chairs and is very friendly, a beauty who doesnʼt know it. She can use her twisted form to twirl the upper half of her body and fly about the room. She dreams of happy snakes.

boB - is a very shy scientist / magician. He can close himself up and live in his own world; he likes to be alone. People can get into his most private place - they feel very protected there. He can use his curtains for his magic shows. Other furniture can use him as a “portal” to other houses.

FLaT - is a nervous, jumpy billiards table. Heʼs always floating and slowly turning. He communicates by jumping up fast so his billiard balls fly into the air making faces, arrows, question marks...he is part of the band - Percussion - billiard balls clacking together

Ki-T on flying carpet

Image from their lake adventure

CAT - is very disliked by the furniture. The furniture has to put up with her while grandma is around and she takes advantage. She sits in them, sheds on them, scratches them and makes herself a general nuisance. But, once grandma leaves, the furniture makes sure she knows she is not welcome. Example. If she is sleeping in their laps, they will move really quickly so the cat falls onto the floor.

They look out the window from their safe, dry, climate controlled house and dream of being on the lake..

"Speaking" through his billiard balls

They are looking out at the lake...
Los Angeles Artist